Your Marketing Mess Meets Its Match – Introducing VIP Days

Get unstuck, supercharged, and ready to conquer the digital world,

all in one action-packed day with your marketing fairy godmother, Bree.

I get it. Ideas swirling, a to-do list that never ends, and that nagging feeling you could be doing things better. You're craving clarity, a roadmap for success, and a serious dose of marketing inspiration.

But let's be real, sometimes you need an outside perspective to shake things up and get those creative juices flowing.

Think of a VIP Day as a turbocharged brain dump, strategy session, and marketing makeover rolled into one. It's your chance to tap into my marketing expertise, brainstorm like a boss, and finally ditch the overwhelm that's holding you back.

Is It Time for a Website Transformation?

Here's How It Works:

  • Pre-Game Plan: We'll chat beforehand to pinpoint your biggest challenges and goals for the day. This ain't no cookie-cutter session!

  • The Main Event: A full day together, in-person (if you're in Brisbane) or on Zoom. We'll deep dive into your brand, analyze your current strategy, revamp your content plan, and answer all your burning questions (no marketing jargon, I promise!).

  • Post-VIP Bliss: You'll walk away with a crystal-clear roadmap, step-by-step action plans, a renewed sense of purpose, and a whole lot of marketing mojo. Think of it as hitting the reset button on your business.

Who Are VIP Days Perfect For?

  • Stuck Solopreneurs: Let's turn your scattered ideas into a focused marketing plan that gets results and frees up your time.

  • In-House Teams Needing a Boost: Get expert insights, fresh perspectives, and a marketing adrenaline shot. Perfect for brainstorming sessions, tackling specific challenges, or upskilling your team.

  • Ambitious People Ready to Level Up: Because sometimes you need a marketing mastermind to help you see your own brilliance and unlock your full potential.

Ready to ditch the overwhelm, make major marketing moves, and finally achieve your big goals?

P.S. Think of me as your strategy fairy godmother, hype girl, and marketing compass – with a side of tough love when needed. 😉

Let's make magic happen!

VIP Days are $1200 +GST

Why Trust Us?

We're not just pretty faces (though we do scrub up nicely). We're strategic masterminds with a passion for seeing impact-driven brands thrive. Consider us your marketing fairy godmothers, minus the poofy dresses and with a healthy dose of real-world savvy.

We know that running a purpose-driven business is a beautiful, chaotic ride. We understand the unique challenges and joys you face, and our strategies are designed with your mission in mind. Our expertise is rooted in both a deep understanding of marketing principles and 6 years of experience.

And most importantly, we put people first, always.

With a sociological approach to marketing, we create strategies that tap into the thoughts, feelings and emotions of your audience to build the know, like, and trust factor needed for any successful business.

Putting people first, also means we put you first. We create a strategy we truly believe that not only will you be able to confidently implement, but will allow you and your business to thrive.

We want to see you win.

You’re in great company.

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